The Commercial ClimateSmart loan program is currently not accepting applications. Projects funded in 2010 are in process
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Commercial and institutional properties including non-profits, apartment buildings, small manufacturing facilities and multifamily, low-income and/or elderly housing complexes are all eligible for the commercial ClimateSmart Loan Program. Commercial property owners choose a set of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures from the eligible measures list (pdf) and apply for a minimum $3,000 and up to a maximum of $210,000 loan to fund the improvement. Each property owner who receives financing through the program will be responsible for repaying the loan via a special assessment on the improved property. Please view our updated PowerPoint Presentation for more information.
Through the federal ARRA funds, REBATE incentives were available to all 2010 loan funded projects. Rebates for energy efficiency measures were available for up to 70% of the cost of the project with a cap of $10,000. ClimateSmart offered rebates up to $2.45 per watt on Solar PV systems for properties outside of Xcel’s service territory for electricity.
Contractors performing work under the ClimateSmart Loan Program need to comply with the Davis-Bacon Act (DBA). Click here for information on compliance.